The creator of the Oxford Introduction to Language Study series faced a difficult task: in a few brief introductions he had to reveal the essence of the main branches of modern linguistics, to interest and encourage the reader to further independent research in this field. It was important not to scare away young scientists at the beginning of the way by confusing theory, but, on the contrary, to cheer and inspire them to embark on such a difficult but fascinating way.

The author handled it brilliantly. With the help of real professionals in his case, Henry Widdowson managed to create a unique series, a must-have for linguistic students, teachers, as well as for all who are interested in understanding an integral part of each human life – language.

It is impossible to know everything, that is true. But it is quite realistic to get a basis for further study, to provide a reliable groundwork for the foundation of scientific knowledge. After getting acquainted with this series, you will find yourself standing firmly on your feet in the field of linguistic studying, motivated and ready for further research. It is up to you to decide which step would be next.

All editions from the series are available on the Circulation desk: Foreign Literature (Turgeneva str. 4, room 356).

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