Мелких Алексей Вениаминович

Дата обновления: 07.12.2017

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Нет данных
SEMICONDUCTORS Contraction of the conducting region in an intrinsic semiconductor due to joule self-heating / Rybakov F. N.,Melkikh A. V.,Povzner A. A. // SEMICONDUCTORS. - 2007. - V. 41, l. 1. - P. 18-21. 2007 0 10.1134/S1063782607010058
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JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY Models of active transport of neurotransmitters in synaptic vesicles / Melkikh Alexey V.,Seleznev Vladimir D. // JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. - 2007. - V. 248, l. 2. - P. 350-353. 2007 8 10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.05.022
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JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS Nonequilibrium statistical model of active transport of ions and ATP production in mitochondria / Melkikh Alexey V.,Seleznev Vladimir D. // JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS. - 2007. - V. 33, l. 2. - P. 161-170. 2007 3 10.1007/s10867-007-9053-0
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JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY Model of active transport of ions in biomembranes based on ATP-dependent change of height of diffusion barriers to ions / Melkikh Alexey V.,Seleznev Vladimir D. // JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. - 2006. - V. 242, l. 3. - P. 617-626. 2006 11 10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.04.011
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BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY Requirements on models and models of active transport of ions in biomembranes / Melkikh AV,Seleznev VD // BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY. - 2006. - V. 68, l. 2. - P. 385-399. 2006 13 10.1007/s11538-005-9035-y
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HIGH TEMPERATURE Self-oscillations in oscillating heat pipes / Melkikh A. V.,Dolgirev Yu. E. // HIGH TEMPERATURE. - 2006. - V. 44, l. 4. - P. 542-547. 2006 3 10.1007/s10740-006-0067-2
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TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS A distributed model of the organization of joule-heating-induced autooscillations in a semiconductor / Melkikh AV,Rybakov FN,Povzner AA // TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. - 2005. - V. 31, l. 8. - P. 706-708. 2005 2 10.1134/1.2035372
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BIOFIZIKA Could life evolve by random mutations? / Melkikh AV // BIOFIZIKA. - 2005. - V. 50, l. 5. - P. 959-960. 2005 2
JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY Models of active transport of ions in biomembranes of various types of cells / Melkikh AV,Seleznev VD // JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. - 2005. - V. 234, l. 3. - P. 403-412. 2005 4 10.1016/j.jtbi.2004.12.002
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TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Autooscillations under self-heating conditions in a semiconductor / Melkikh AV,Povzner AA // TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. - 2003. - V. 29, l. 3. - P. 224-225. 2003 5 10.1134/1.1565640
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