Мамяченков Сергей Владимирович

Дата обновления: 07.12.2017

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RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS Improving the Precipitation of Arsenic Trisulfide from Washing Waters of Sulfuric-Acid Production of Copper Smelteries / Mamyachenkov S. V.,Anisimova O. S.,Kostina D. A. // RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS. - 2017. - V. 58, l. 3. - P. 212-217. 2017 0 10.3103/S1067821217030130
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RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS Investigation into regularities of leaching sulfated cinders of roasting copper-zinc middlings / Panshin A. M.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Tropnikov D. L.,Anisimova O. S.,Rogozhnikov D. A. // RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS. - 2017. - V. 58, l. 4. - P. 345-350. 2017 0 10.3103/S1067821217040137
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METALLURGIST Features of Shaimerden Deposit Oxidized Zinc Ore Leaching / Ramazanova R. A.,Seraya N. V.,Bykov R. A.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Anisimova O. S. // METALLURGIST. - 2016. - V. 60, l. 5-6. - P. 629-634. 2016 0 10.1007/s11015-016-0342-3
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METALLURGIST Nitric Acid Leaching of Copper-Zinc Sulfide Middlings / Rogozhnikov D. A.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Anisimova O. S. // METALLURGIST. - 2016. - V. 60, l. 1-2. - P. 229-233. 2016 0 10.1007/s11015-016-0278-7
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RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS Investigation into the kinetic regularities of impurity transfer during the sulfuric acid leaching of the zinc-containing intermediate product of two-stage Waelz process of zinc cakes: Part I. leaching kinetics of individual model oxides / Pan'shin A. M.,Anisimova O. S.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Rogozhnikov D. A. // RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS. - 2015. - V. 56, l. 4. - P. 372-376. 2015 0 10.3103/S1067821215040161
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RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS Investigation into the kinetic regularities of impurity transfer during the sulfuric acid leaching of the zinc-containing middlings of two-stage Waelz process of zinc cakes: Part II. regularities of sulfuric acid leaching the industrial samples of calcined Waelz oxide of zinc production / Pan'shin A. M.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Anisimova O. S.,Kulenova N. A. // RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS. - 2015. - V. 56, l. 4. - P. 377-380. 2015 0 10.3103/S1067821215040173
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METALLURGIST Optimum Parameters of the Electroextraction of Copper from Nitrate-Bearing Solutions / Rogozhnikov D. A.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Anisimova O. S. // METALLURGIST. - 2015. - V. 59, l. 7-8. - P. 712-717. 2015 0 10.1007/s11015-015-0163-9
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METALLURGIST Possibility of Using Complexing Reagent for Processing Spent Alkaline Batteries / Barashev A. R.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Smirnova Yu. O.,Chirkova M. Yu. // METALLURGIST. - 2015. - V. 59, l. 7-8. - P. 664-666. 2015 0 10.1007/s11015-015-0156-8
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METALLURGIST Study of Zinc-Lead-Containing Cake Leaching Features / Shaimardan N.,Kulenova N. A.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Anisimova O. S. // METALLURGIST. - 2015. - V. 59, l. 7-8. - P. 740-743. 2015 0 10.1007/s11015-015-0168-4
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METALLURGIST Combined processing of Erdenet Ore-Dressing Plant pyrite concentrates / Semun N. Ts.,Mamyachenkov S. V.,Rogozhnikov D. A. // METALLURGIST. - 2013. - V. 57, l. 1-2. - P. 77-79. 2013 1 10.1007/s11015-013-9693-1
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