Сосновских Вячеслав Яковлевич

Дата обновления: 07.12.2017

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TETRAHEDRON Synthesis of 2-(trifluoromethyl)-1,2-dihydro-4H-thieno{[}2,3-c] chromen-4-ones and 2-(tri-fluoromethyl)-4H-thieno{[}2,3-c] chromen-4-ones from 2-tirifluoromethylchromones and ethyl mercaptoacetate / Sosnovskikh VY,Usachev BI,Sevenard DV,Roschenthaler GV // TETRAHEDRON. - 2003. - V. 59, l. 15. - P. 2625-2630. 2003 25 10.1016/S0040-4020(03)00329-6
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TETRAHEDRON LETTERS The first example of a preparative 1,4-perfluoroalkylation using (perfluoroalkyl)trimethylsilanes / Sosnovskikh VY,Sevenard DV,Usachev BI,Roschenthaler GV // TETRAHEDRON LETTERS. - 2003. - V. 44, l. 10. - P. 2097-2099. 2003 38 10.1016/S0040-4039(03)00184-9
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JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY The first synthesis of 8-aza-2-polyfluoroalkylchromones / Sosnovskikh VY,Barabanov MA // JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY. - 2003. - V. 120, l. 1. - P. 25-28. 2003 11 10.1016/S0022-1139(02)00280-4
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RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN 2-polyfluoroalkylchromones 12. Nitration of 5,7-dimethyl-2-polyhaloalkylchromones and complete assignment of signals in the H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra of 5,7-dimethyl-2-trifluromethylchromone and its mono- and dinitro derivatives / Sosnovskikh VY,Usachev BI,Kodess MI // RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN. - 2002. - V. 51, l. 10. - P. 1817-1828. 2002 5 10.1023/A:1021340132279
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RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN 2-polyfluoroalkylchromones 13. Synthesis and nitration of 6,8-dibromo-2-trifluoromethylchromone / Sosnovskikh VY,Usachev BI // RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN. - 2002. - V. 51, l. 10. - P. 1954-1956. 2002 4 10.1023/A:1021385409506
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RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN 2-polyfluoroalkylchromones. 10. Synthesis of regioisomeric 3-(2-hydroxyaryl)-5-polyfluoroalkyl- and 5-(2-hydroxyaryl)-3-polyfluoroalkylisoxazoles and determination of their structures by H-1, F-19, and C-13 NMR spectroscopy / Sosnovskikh VY,Sizov AY,Usachev BI // RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN. - 2002. - V. 51, l. 7. - P. 1270-1279. 2002 24 10.1023/A:1020908831426
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RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN 2-Polyfluoroalkylchromones. 11. Synthesis and structures of 5-hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxyaryl)-5-polyfluoroalkyl-Delta(2)-pyrazolines and 3(5)-(2-hydroxyaryl)-5(3)-polyfluoroalkylpyrazoles / Sosnovskikh VY,Barabanov MA,Sizov AY // RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN. - 2002. - V. 51, l. 7. - P. 1280-1291. 2002 16 10.1023/A:1020960815497
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MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS A convenient synthesis of 4(5)-(2-hydroxyaroyl)-5(4)-trifluoromethyl-1,2,3-triazoles from 2-trifluoromethylchromones and chromen-4-imines / Sosnovskikh VY,Usachev BI // MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS. - 2002. - V. , l. 2. - P. 75-76. 2002 15 10.1070/MC2002v012n02ABEH00156
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SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART A novel synthesis of 2-trichloromethylchromones and 7-trichloromethylnorkhellin / Sosnovskikh VY,Usachev BI // SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART. - 2002. - V. , l. 8. - P. 1007-1009. 2002 10
SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART A simple and efficient synthesis of 2-methyl-2-trifluoromethylchroman-4-ones from 2-trifluoromethyl-4H-chromen-4-imines and malonic acid / Sosnovskikh VY,Usachev BI // SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART. - 2002. - V. , l. 16. - P. 2341-2343. 2002 8 10.1055/s-2002-35233
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