Воротников Владимир Ильич

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

Источник Импакт-фактор Описание публикаций Год Число цитирований DOI
Нет данных
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics On the stability of motion relative to part of the variables for certain nonlinear systems. PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 441-450 / Vorotnikov V.I. // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 1979. - V. 43, l. 3. - P. 476-485. 1979 0 10.1016/0021-8928(79)90095-9
(полный текст)
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics On stability of motion of linear systems with respect to a part of variables. PMM vol. 42, n{ring equal to}2, 1978, pp. 268-271 / Vorotnikov V.I., Prokop'ev V.P. // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 1978. - V. 42, l. 2. - P. 280-283. 1978 0 10.1016/0021-8928(78)90144-2
(полный текст)
Soviet Applied Mechanics Experimental investigation of the stability of composite shells / Budnik A.P., Vorotnikov V.I., Ershov V.V., Novikovich V.V., Shalitkin V.A. // Soviet Applied Mechanics. - 1976. - V. 12, l. 11. - P. 1186-1189. 1976 0 10.1007/BF00883487
(полный текст)
Soviet Applied Mechanics Experimental investigation of the stressed state and stability of heated cylindrical shells of variable thickness / Brazhnikov E.B., Vorotnikov V.I., Ershov V.V., Novikovich V.V. // Soviet Applied Mechanics. - 1975. - V. 9, l. 10. - P. 1080-1082. 1975 0 10.1007/BF00894286
(полный текст)
Prikladnaya Mekhanika Experimental Investigation of the Stressed State and Stability of Heated Cylindrical Shells of Variable Thickness. [EKSPERIMENTAL'NOE ISSLEDOVANIE NAPRYAHENNOGO SOSTOYANIYA I USTOICHIVOSTI NAGRETYKH TSILINDRICHESKIKH OBOLOCHEK PEREMENNOI TOLSHCHINY.] / Brazhnikov E.B., Vorotnikov V.I., Ershov V.V., Novikovich V.V. // Prikladnaya Mekhanika. - 1973. - V. 9, l. 10. - P. 47-50. 1973 0
Izv Vyssh Uchebn Zaved, Mashinostr Stability of Cylindrical Shells of Variable Thickness Subjected to Torsion. [USTOICHIVOST TSILINDRICHESKIKH OBOLOCHEK PEREMENNOI TOLSHCHINY PRI KRUCHENII.] / Vorotnikov V.I., Ershov V.V. // Izv Vyssh Uchebn Zaved, Mashinostr. - 1973. - V. , l. 1. - P. 10-14. 1973 0