Александров Дмитрий Валерьевич

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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Нет данных
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter Kinetics of particle coarsening with allowance for Ostwald ripening and coagulation / Alexandrov D.V. // Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. - 2016. - V. 28, l. 3. 2016 0 10.1088/0953-8984/28/3/035102
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Philosophical Magazine Letters Mathematical modelling of nucleation and growth of crystals with buoyancy effects / Alexandrov D.V. // Philosophical Magazine Letters. - 2016. - V. 96, l. 4. - P. 132-141. 2016 0 10.1080/09500839.2016.1177222
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EPL Noise-induced variability of volcanic extrusions / Alexandrov D.V., Bashkirtseva I.A., Ryashko L.B. // EPL. - 2016. - V. 116, l. 4. 2016 0 10.1209/0295-5075/116/40006
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Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki Nucleation and growth of a new phase at the intermediate stage of phase transitions in metastable solutions and melts / Alexandrov D.V., Malygin A.P., Sukhachev I.S., Alexandrova I.V. // Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki. - 2016. - V. 26, l. 2. - P. 283-296. 2016 0 10.20537/vm160214
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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids On the theory of Ostwald ripening in the presence of different mass transfer mechanisms / Alexandrov D.V. // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2016. - V. 91, l. . - P. 48-54. 2016 0 10.1016/j.jpcs.2015.12.005
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AIP Conference Proceedings On the theory of steady-state crystallization with a non-equilibrium mushy layer / Alexandrov D.V., Alexandrova I.V., Ivanov A.A. // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2016. - V. 1790, l. . 2016 0 10.1063/1.4968742
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Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki On the unsteadiness time of primary dendritic growth / Titova E.A., Alexandrov D.V., Galenko P.K. // Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki. - 2016. - V. 26, l. 3. - P. 439-444. 2016 0 10.20537/vm160311
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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Selection criterion of a stable dendrite growth in rapid solidification / Alexandrov D.V., Danilov D.A., Galenko P.K. // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2016. - V. 101, l. . - P. 789-799. 2016 0 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2
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EPL Stochastic variability and noise-induced generation of chaos in a climate feedback system including the carbon dioxide dynamics / Alexandrov D.V., Bashkirtseva I.A., Ryashko L.B. // EPL. - 2016. - V. 115, l. 4. 2016 0 10.1209/0295-5075/115/40009
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Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki The effectiveness of parallelizing an algorithm of the PFC equation solution using PetIGA library / Starodumov I.O., Pavlyuk E.V., Abramov S.M., Klyuev L.V., Galenko P.K., Alexandrov D.V. // Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki. - 2016. - V. 26, l. 3. - P. 445-450. 2016 0 10.20537/vm160312
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