Александров Дмитрий Валерьевич

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical The hyperbolic Allen-Cahn equation: Exact solutions / Nizovtseva I.G., Galenko P.K., Alexandrov D.V. // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. - 2016. - V. 49, l. 43. 2016 0 10.1088/1751-8113/49/43/435201
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Philosophical Magazine Letters The large-time behaviour of coarsening of a particulate assemblage due to Ostwald ripening and coagulation / Alexandrov D.V. // Philosophical Magazine Letters. - 2016. - V. 96, l. 9. - P. 355-360. 2016 0 10.1080/09500839.2016.1225996
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Computational Materials Science Three dimensional structures predicted by the modified phase field crystal equation / Bueno J., Starodumov I., Gomez H., Galenko P., Alexandrov D. // Computational Materials Science. - 2016. - V. 111, l. . - P. 310-312. 2016 0 10.1016/j.commatsci.2015.09.03
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Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki Traveling waves in a profile of phase field: Exact analytical solutions of a hyperbolic Allen-Cahn equation / Nizovtseva I.G., Galenko P.K., Alexandrov D.V., Vikharev S.V., Titova E.A., Sukha-Chev I.S. // Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta: Matematika, Mekhanika, Komp'yuternye Nauki. - 2016. - V. 26, l. 2. - P. 245-257. 2016 0 10.20537/vm160211
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Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Analysis of stochastic model for nonlinear volcanic dynamics / Alexandrov D.V., Bashkirtseva I.A., Ryashko L.B. // Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. - 2015. - V. 22, l. 2. - P. 197-204. 2015 0 10.5194/npg-22-197-2015
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European Physical Journal B How a small noise generates large-amplitude oscillations of volcanic plug and provides high seismicity / Alexandrov D.V., Bashkirtseva I.A., Ryashko L.B. // European Physical Journal B. - 2015. - V. 88, l. 4. - P. 1-8. 2015 0 10.1140/epjb/e2015-60130-6
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AIP Conference Proceedings Interdendritic spacing in growth processes with a mushy layer / Alexandrov D.V., Britousova A.V. // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1648, l. . 2015 0 10.1063/1.4913156
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AIP Conference Proceedings Mathematical modeling of a mushy layer at the inner core boundary of the Earth. Part 1. Analytical solutions / Alexandrov D.V., Malygin A.P., Alexandrova I.V. // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1648, l. . 2015 0 10.1063/1.4913157
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AIP Conference Proceedings Mathematical modeling of a mushy layer at the inner core boundary of the Earth. Part 2. Theoretical description / Alexandrov D.V., Malygin A.P., Alexandrova I.V. // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1648, l. . 2015 0 10.1063/1.4913158
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European Physical Journal B Noise-induced generation of saw-tooth type transitions between climate attractors and stochastic excitability of paleoclimate / Alexandrov D.V., Bashkirtseva I.A., Ryashko L.B. // European Physical Journal B. - 2015. - V. 88, l. 11. - P. 1-12. 2015 0 10.1140/epjb/e2015-60659-2
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