Панфилов Петр Евгеньевич

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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International Journal of Fracture Evolution of cracks in thin foils and massive crystals of iridium / Panfilov P., Baturin G., Yermakov A. // International Journal of Fracture. - 1991. - V. 50, l. 2. - P. 153-157. 1991 0 10.1007/BF00035210
(полный текст)
Journal of Materials Science Letters The cause of cleavage in iridium single crystals / Panfilov P., Yermakov A., Baturin G. // Journal of Materials Science Letters. - 1990. - V. 9, l. 10. - P. 1162-1164. 1990 0 10.1007/BF00721877
(полный текст)
Journal of Materials Science Letters The main features of plastic deformation of iridium single crystals / Yermakov A., Panfilov P., Adamesku R. // Journal of Materials Science Letters. - 1990. - V. 9, l. 6. - P. 696-697. 1990 0 10.1007/BF00721807
(полный текст)
Physics of Metals and Metallography Deformation and rupture of iridium single crystals at room temperature / Panfilov P.Ye., Yermakov A.B., Baturin G.I., Timofeyev A.I. // Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 1989. - V. 67, l. 4. - P. 181-185. 1989 0
Physics of Metals and Metallography Inheritance of the dislocation structure and the recrystallization of ordered alloys. III. Increase of plasticity on the ordering of a cold deformed alloy / Indenbaum V.N., Gornostyrev Yu.N., Grinberg B.A., Grokhovskaya L.G., Panfilov P.Ye., Pushin V.G. // Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 1989. - V. 68, l. 2. - P. 168-177. 1989 0
Physics of Metals and Metallography Plastic and high-strength states of the magnetically hard alloy CoPt. II. Stabilization of structural states / Grokhovskaya L.G., Grinberg B.A., Yermakov A.Ye., Panfilov P.Ye., Pushin V.G., Sakhanskaya I.N. // Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 1989. - V. 67, l. 5. - P. 148-156. 1989 0