Келлерман Дина Георгиевна

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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Нет данных
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Short-Range Order in Cubic Solid Solutions LiFe1-xNixO2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) / Kellerman D.G., Gorshkov V.S., Karelina V.V. // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 1999. - V. 44, l. 7. - P. 1013-1018. 1999 0
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoj Khimii Magnetic properties of the double oxide LiMnO2 / Kellerman D.G., Gorshkov V.S., Zubkov V.G., Perelyaev V.A., Galakhov V.R., Kurmaev E.Z., Uhlenbrock S., Neumann M. // Zhurnal Neorganicheskoj Khimii. - 1997. - V. 42, l. 6. - P. 1012-1017. 1997 0
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Magnetic Properties of the Double Oxide LiMnO2 / Kellerman D.G., Gorshkov V.S., Zubkov V.G., Perelyaev V.A., Galakhov V.R., Kurmaev E.Z., Uhlenbrock S., Neumann M. // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 1997. - V. 42, l. 6. - P. 914-918. 1997 0
Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Properties of the Ternary Phase Ti3SiC2 / Kellerman D.G., Gorshkov V.S., Blinovskov Ya.N., Grigorov I.G., Perelyaev V.A., Shveikin G.P. // Inorganic Materials. - 1997. - V. 33, l. 3. - P. 271-274. 1997 0
Solid State Communications Degree of covalency of LiCoO2: X-ray emission and photoelectron study / Galakhov V.R., Kurmaev E.Z., Uhlenbrock St., Neumann M., Kellerman D.G., Gorshkov V.S. // Solid State Communications. - 1996. - V. 99, l. 4. - P. 221-224. 1996 0 10.1016/0038-1098(96)00251-7
(полный текст)
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoj Khimii Structural order as a factor controlling magnetic properties of LiNiO2 / Gorshkov V.S., Kellerman D.G., Perelyaev V.A., Shveikin G.R. // Zhurnal Neorganicheskoj Khimii. - 1996. - V. 41, l. 10. - P. 1621-1625. 1996 0
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Structural Order as a Factor Controlling Magnetic Properties of LiNiO2 / Gorshkov V.S., Kellerman D.G., Perelyaev V.A., Shveikin G.P. // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 1996. - V. 41, l. 10. - P. 1545-1549. 1996 0
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry Synthesis, superconducting properties and structural (including electron diffraction) studies of NaxNbO2 and LixNbO2 / Tyutyunnik A.P., Zubkov V.G., Kellerman D.G., Pereliaev V.A., Kar'kin A.E. // European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry. - 1996. - V. 33, l. 1. - P. 53-65. 1996 0
Solid State Communications Electronic structure of LiNiO2, LiFeO2 and LiCrO2: X-ray photoelectron and X-ray emission study / Galakhov V.R., Kurmaev E.Z., Uhlenbrock St., Neumann M., Kellerman D.G., Gorshkov V.S. // Solid State Communications. - 1995. - V. 95, l. 6. - P. 347-351. 1995 0 10.1016/0038-1098(95)00279-0
(полный текст)
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter X-ray spectra and electronic structure of LixNbO2 superconductor and other niobium oxide compounds / Cherkashenko V.M., Korotin M.A., Anisimov V.I., Shumilov V.V., Galakhov V.R., Kellerman D.G., Zubkov V.G., Kurmaev E.Z. // Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter. - 1994. - V. 93, l. 4. - P. 417-424. 1994 0 10.1007/BF01314244
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