Lesson 7. Information Systems
An information system is unified whole of a certain content and software designed to store, search and use information.
The above-said can be testified by corresponding definitions: firstly, it is a system designed to store, process, search, distribute, transfer and supply information [1]; secondly, it is a total of information containing in a database, information technologies and software applications providing its processing [3].
For example, even card catalogue can be treated as a system since the descriptions of items are made on cards arranged strictly alphabetically by authors and titles in the alphabetical catalogue. In a systematic catalogue cards are arranged in accordance with a library classification used. Card drawers are arranged in accordance with the labels in acceding numerical order (See Fig. 1).
Figure 1. A drawer of a traditional card catalogue
As regards electronic catalogue, it should be noted that it is a system due to the use of Integrated Library Systems (ILS) (there are many of them), as well as special machine-readable formats to store and transfer unchanged information in order to make it searchable by various criteria (See Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Screenshot of an electronic catalogue form of UrFU Library
In this aspect, we focus on any electronic-library system that provides a great number of services apart from digital full-texts. An electronic library system has authentic interface with functional panels, search fields, thematic catalogue of included books providing some useful functions, such as reading from mobile devices, bookmarking and taking notes, storing books on a virtual bookshelf, printing of a part of a text, copying a bibliographic record, and many others. It should be noted that all the aggregators of an electronic library system continuously go on improving the number and quality of services.
It can be inferred that an information system consists of elements arranged in a certain order, and removal of any of them will lead to interrupting the process of receiving an expected relevant result.
1. GOST 7.0–99. Informatsionno-bibliotechnaya deyatelnost’, bibliographiya. Terminy I opredeleniya [State Standard 7.0–99. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Information and librarian activity, bibliography. Terms and definitions] : Introduced 2000-07-01. — Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs (accessed: 19.09.2019).2. GOST Р 52653–2006. Informatsionno-kommunikatsionnyye tekhnologii v obrazovanii. Terminy I opredeleniya [State Standard Р 52653–2006. Information and communication technologies in education. Terms and definitions]: Introduced 2008-07-01. – Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs (accessed: 19.09.2019).
3. Ob informatsii, informatsionnykh resursakh I o zashchite informatsii : feder. zakon № 149-FZ ot 27 iyulya 2006 goda [Federal Law № 149-F3, dated 27 July 2006, “On information, information technologies and information protection”]. – Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs (accessed: 19.09.2019).